
Comfort food, well sort of

In my previous post I wrote about all my changes, all that having been said, onward and forward, a guy still has to eat, and perhaps still make 'grub' for others.
So I've been thinking more about the food question and one thing is that I'm not really motivated by is big preparation time these days so I'm finding that raw stuff is quick and easy and eggs are easy too.
One thing that has kept me going is the combination of apples and old cheddar slices, I particularly like Gala apples. It is so simple, quarter the apple, core the pieces, cut them so that you have 16 slices from the whole apple that you can lay out on a plate and add cheese slices and there you go good and easy and healthy.
Another thing that I really like is spinach salad, that being an excuse to eat bacon in the evening too.
The salad is also fairly easy,
fry up some bacon and boil 4 eggs (two are for some time later).
While bacon is frying and eggs are boiling you can prep the spinach and the dressing.

For the dressing,
put 3 tablespoons of Mayonaise into a cup,
add Juice of half a lemon
salt and pepper to taste

Wash the spinach, put in a bowl and add fresh sliced mushrooms
then top with sliced egg, crumbled bacon and the lemon dressing.
That's it, that's all.
(oh and the other two eggs are for egg salad sandwiches or just to snack on)



Oh the changes...

It has been 10 months since my last post here, and this posting is a confirmation that a life can change, dramatically.
Sometimes things just don't work well...
My relationship has ended from the strains presented by a series of circumstances, and I have now moved out of province and am slowly rebuilding what I can out of what morsels that I have salvaged from the debris.
This post is about me sharing my truths with myself and my world around me, there is sadness wrapped in these truths and some judgement surrounding work definition and valuation through income, and such like...
I have been shown and told that my head should hang low and that I could have and should have done a better job of things...perhaps... but then, what if I believed that I had been ...
what then?...
Like sand in your fist, the tighter that you try to hold on the more steadily it slips through your fingers... the 'life' that I've tried to build has slipped away in the same manner.
A second image that comes to mind is of two hands together open, cupped, as in holding water, either in receiving or offering... this suggests 'two working in concert'...

So where does this leave this 'happy House Husband' ?
First, I have been hiding and licking my wounds, and wondering how did all this come to be?
I own that I have left 'me' with very few options and little to work with, still unemployed, owning a business or two that are still in the building stages and not sustaining me,
and finally, quietly and delicately shut out from where I do not wish to be shut out from.

This is a possibility that I hadn't imagined. I imagined fearlessly pulling through, together with my partner and making it through the hard times.

So... this 'happy house husband' has been shown by the universe that it can indeed get worse before it gets better...but the trick is, as in the words of singer/songwriter Michael Franti, ''...You don't stop, you never give up''...
that having been said,
If you are in this same boat, you are not alone. I imagine that there are a few of us these days... and that we can help each other through, until we come out on the other side. a
This blog is my little part.

Finally contrary to what dudes do, I send this out for reflection and inspiration, with solid heartfelt 'man hugs'
to you, wherever your corner of the world is,

Jasper Friendly Bear says,
''Stay calm, be brave, and , wait for the signs''

Stay well,