I think that nobody likes chores, but since they need doing, how do you make them manageable? Well I have worked at changing my perspective towards chores, it’s almost a Zen thing, or perhaps like prayer or quiet time. In fact years ago I wrote about it and called it ‘the Zen of taking out the garbage’ which now I would call,’ the zen of chores’. It sounds odd, I know, but consider this, at home we are in a job of service, and accepting that without resistance will allow the parts of that job to go smoother and not need to be qualified as either ‘fun’ or ‘unpleasant’. They just are what they are we are just doing them as a service to ourselves and the people that we care about, our family. From another perspective, don’t we say ‘cleanliness is next to Godliness’, So for me, I actually enjoy vacuuming, cleaning and folding the laundry, even doing the dishes (we are dishwasherless here). These are the activities when I can work on automatic pilot and use the time for thinking, and at the end I have a sense of accomplishment pride. All this is easy to write about and it works for me for most things... I have to admit though, that I’m still working on tranforming the way that I feel about the cleaning of the Bathroom...
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