
First thoughts

Once apon a time necessity was the mother of invention, and while all that was going on, father was off somewhere working or fighting with things or bringing home the bacon. Well, the more things change it seems the more of us are staying home... I suppose that in this man's case necessity has become the father of invention.
So stay tuned as I share my thoughts on being home and how to cope if you're the guy who is now staying at home. Whether you are the husband, boyfriend or even roommate and someone else is bringing home the bacon or off somewhere working or fighting with things...one thing seems certain, it is not easy for us to ask for or find information on how to fold laundry 'just so', or cook something besides Kraft Dinner, or keep up with the requirements of the household...
so hang on to your boot straps or 'buckle up' because there are a whole lot of things we don't know about and how to do them...

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